Artwork entitled “Sacrament Meeting” by LDS artist Doc Christensen. A quote from The Teachings of Joseph Fielding Smith on the Sacrament and the story behind the “Sacrament Meeting” painting.

Sacrament Meeting, Doc Christensen 


When the 4th Sunday Theme was on the Sacrament, I thought this beautiful artwork by Don O. Christensen, more commonly known as Doc, would be perfect for it. As I look at this painting questions come to mind. Do I feel my Savior there as I partake of the sacrament? Are my thoughts turned to Him as I sacredly renew my covenants? 

LDS sacrament lesson helps artwork picture

The Significance of the Sacrament

From Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: Joseph Fielding Smith, I’d like to share something President Joseph Fielding Smith taught:

Joseph Fielding Smith, the Sacrament“I have seen two members of the Church sitting together [in sacrament meeting], enter into a conversation, stop long enough for the blessing to be asked on the water or on the bread, then start again on their conversation. … That is shocking to me, and I am sure it is to the Lord.

“It is our duty to carefully and thoughtfully consider the nature of [the sacrament] prayers when we hear them offered in our meetings…

“I want to ask you a few questions, and I speak, of course, to all the members of the Church. Do you think a man who comes into the sacrament service in the spirit of prayer, humility, and worship, and who partakes of these emblems representing the body and blood of Jesus Christ, will knowingly break the commandments of the Lord? If a man fully realizes what it means when he partakes of the sacrament, that he covenants to take upon him the name of Jesus Christ and to always remember him and keep his commandments, and this vow is renewed week by week—do you think such a man will fail to pay his tithing? Do you think such a man will break the Sabbath day or disregard the Word of Wisdom? Do you think he will fail to be prayerful, and that he will not attend his quorum duties and other duties in the Church? It seems to me that such a thing as a violation of these sacred principles and duties is impossible when a man knows what it means to make such vows week by week unto the Lord and before the saints.


How much more powerful the partaking of the sacrament would be if we, as Latter-day Saints, came with a spirit of prayer, humility, and worship. As President Smith taught, if we did so, do you think we’d knowingly break the commandments of the Lord?

I wonder if we would come into the sacrament room more reverently if we knew that the Savior was there? If we could actually see Him standing there how differently would we act?  In a meeting where we make covenants with the Lord, don’t you think He is there? Our natural eyes may not see Him, but I’m sure if we tried, our spiritual eyes could.   


Sacrament Meeting Artwork was Inspired

The artwork “Sacrament Meeting” done by Doc Christensen was one of his most inspired works of art. Doc explains the whole story here:

“This painting was unique from its very beginning. It would be great if I could take credit for the composition and message it conveys but in my mind, that would be like Moses taking credit for bringing water from the stone in the desert.

“Usually when I have an idea for a painting it starts as a simple seed and it grows as I play with the image in my mind, moving the characters around, imagining the lights and shadows, the values and the colors, eventually deciding on its composition after what might be weeks or even months of pondering and sketches, but this painting was different. There was no seed, no moving of characters, it was totally different.

“I was sitting in church on a Sunday afternoon as the Sacrament was being passed and bang, there it was, the image was instantaneously placed before my mind’s eye just as you see it here. This experience has happened to me only three times and it has been very special each time.”


You can purchase a print of the artwork at Doc’s own website found  HERE.  He has other beautiful pieces of artwork as well. The one that is most well-known is Portrait of the Prophets.


I hope that as we look at Doc’s artwork “Sacrament Meeting,” that we will each remember to open our spiritual eyes as we partake of the sacrament and know that our Savior is there. 


For an uplifting story called “Beginning Again” by Brad Wilcox, a short story on the symbol of the sacrament prayer, Click HERE

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Yours Truly,





Image of Joseph Fielding Smith can be found on or by Clicking HERE