A short story and object lesson about a boy whose one lie turned into many. Includes a quote by President Gordon B. Hinckley.

Conference Parables, Come Follow Me, Gospel Doctrine, Lesson Helps, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Inspiring Stories, General Conference, Devotionals, Gospel Study, Church, Latter-day Saint, FHE, Family Home Evening, Relief Society, YW, Stories for talks, www.melanieslibrary.com, The Lie, Quote by Gordon B. Hinckley, dishonesty, Ananias and Sapphira







Here is a great children’s story about being honest. As you tell this story, have someone come to stand beside you and have them hold the end of a piece of string or yarn. Each time Ben tells a lie in the story, have that person turn around once making the string wrap around them. 

Conference Parables, Come Follow Me, Gospel Doctrine, Lesson Helps, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Inspiring Stories, General Conference, Devotionals, Gospel Study, Church, Latter-day Saint, FHE, Family Home Evening, Relief Society, YW, Stories for talks, www.melanieslibrary.com, The Lie, Quote by Gordon B. Hinckley, dishonesty, Ananias and Sapphira


Once there was a boy named Ben. One day Ben’s parents were away. Ben was babysitting his little brother, Austin, who was two years old. All of a sudden Ben began to feel hungry. He looked around for something to eat. His mother kept nuts and chocolate chips on a shelf in the cupboard. She had told Ben that he must never get into things that were on her “baking shelf.”

When his mother returned, she noticed that her chocolate chips were half gone! “Ben, did you get into the chocolate chips?” she asked. Ben felt uncomfortable. He knew if he told the truth he would be punished. Ben needed a way out of this mess.

Ben said, “No, mother, it was Austin. I am sorry I didn’t watch him more closely.” Ben’s mother said, “There will be no cookies for either of you this week. I am sorry this happened.” (WRAP THE STRING)

Ben ran outside to play. He felt relieved. He needed a way out, and he had found one. The lie had saved him from being punished.

In the next few weeks, Ben used lie after lie to help him avoid trouble, but he never felt right.

One day Ben broke a rule by going to the store during recess. He was late getting back to class. “Where have you been?” asked Ben’s teacher. “Nowhere,” said Ben. Emily giggled, “I bet you went to the store.” “I did not,” said Ben. “I lost my bouncy ball and I was trying to find it!” (WRAP THE STRING)

In the days that followed, Emily began to tell on Ben when he did things wrong. He lied more and more often. (WRAP THE STRING)

One day he said, “All of my troubles are Emily’s fault. I wish she would keep her mouth shut!” (WRAP THE STRING) Now Ben was lying to himself.

Ben was always in trouble. “Everyone picks on me,” he thought. (WRAP THE STRING) He felt sorry for himself.

Ben’s self-pity justified many things. He teased Emily and called her ugly names. (WRAP THE STRING) He stole some money from the pocket of a first grader’s coat. (WRAP THE STRING) He copied Julie’s paper during a test at school. (WRAP THE STRING) Ben felt more and more unhappy.

MORAL OF THE STORY: One lie always leads to another. How quickly we can become trapped by our lies.

The Lord has said: Thou shalt not lie; he that lieth and will not repent shall be cast out. (D&C 42:21)

If we do find that we have lied, we need to quickly repent and make things right. 

*Optional: Ask what Ben could do to make things right and as answers are given, unwrap the string from around the person.  



The story is geared towards younger children, if you have an older group, try this: Invite someone up and have them hold the end of the string or yarn. Tell him/her that you are going to ask them several questions, and with each one you want them to lie. As you ask them questions, with each lie that they tell, wrap the string around them. Try and have each question relate back to the previous question.

Example: Where were you yesterday around noon? Why were you there?

After you have asked several questions and they are wrapped up in the string, point out that one lie always leads to another and how quickly we can become trapped by our lies. Then ask what they need to do to make things right after they have lied. As answers are given, unwrap the string from around the person. 



Be sure and share this quote from President Gordon B. Hinckley.

Conference Parables, Come Follow Me, Gospel Doctrine, Lesson Helps, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Inspiring Stories, General Conference, Devotionals, Gospel Study, Church, Latter-day Saint, FHE, Family Home Evening, Relief Society, YW, Stories for talks, www.melanieslibrary.com, The Lie, Quote by Gordon B. Hinckley, dishonesty, Ananias and Sapphira

The story of Ananias and Sapphira can be found in Acts 5:1-11


For another great story on being honest, one from President Nelson’s personal life, click HERE

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Yours Truly,

Melanie's Library

P.S. This quote and story were used in one of the Teach Me FHE outlines. You can receive FREE weekly FHE outlines that coincide with Come, Follow Me by signing up below. Making FHE preparation as simple as possible for you! Outlines are geared towards 8 years old and older.


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Conference Parables, Come Follow Me, Gospel Doctrine, Lesson Helps, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Inspiring Stories, General Conference, Devotionals, Gospel Study, Church, Latter-day Saint, FHE, Family Home Evening, Relief Society, YW, Stories for talks, www.melanieslibrary.com, The Lie, Quote by Gordon B. Hinckley, dishonesty, Ananias and Sapphira
Conference Parables, Come Follow Me, Gospel Doctrine, Lesson Helps, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Inspiring Stories, General Conference, Devotionals, Gospel Study, Church, Latter-day Saint, FHE, Family Home Evening, Relief Society, YW, Stories for talks, www.melanieslibrary.com, The Lie, Quote by Gordon B. Hinckley, dishonesty, Ananias and Sapphira
Conference Parables, Come Follow Me, Gospel Doctrine, Lesson Helps, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Inspiring Stories, General Conference, Devotionals, Gospel Study, Church, Latter-day Saint, FHE, Family Home Evening, Relief Society, YW, Stories for talks, www.melanieslibrary.com, The Lie, Quote by Gordon B. Hinckley, dishonesty, Ananias and Sapphira