Come, Follow Me Daily Study Guide for the week of March 16-22, 2020 covering Jacob 5-7. For personal and/or family study of the scriptures, geared towards 8 years old and older. 


*This is a suggested outline that coincides with the Come, Follow Me manual. There is not just one right way when it comes to studying the scriptures. Everyone should study in a way that is best for them, but I do hope that you find these outlines helpful.

**I highly suggest getting a scripture journal. Throughout the year there will be several times that I will suggest jotting something down in your scripture journal. These are also great for writing down any impressions or “Aha” moments that you might have as you study the scriptures. 

***A free PDF DOWNLOAD of the Study Guide is available at the bottom of this post. Making it easy for those who’d like to print out a copy.

****SONGS – For a list of suggested songs for each day of the week, be sure and check out the new blog called Music for Latter-day Life by clicking HERE



Start the week off right with a Family Home Evening that introduces what you’ll be studying during the week. Sign up for the Teach Me FHE email group and receive an FHE outline delivered right to your inbox every Sunday morning. Sign up at the bottom of this post. 



*An overview of The Allegory of the Olive Trees is discussed in this week’s Teach Me FHE outline. If you haven’t already, be sure and sign up for my Teach Me FHE email group at the bottom of this post. 


(OPTIONAL) VIDEO: Christlike Attributes (2:53), click HERE

The Allegory of the Olive Trees is the basic history of the gathering and scattering of Israel. The whole allegory can seem pretty overwhelming – luckily though, there is one thing that is simple to understand, and that is the characteristics of Jesus Christ. He is the master of the vineyard. If you read The Allegory of the Olive Trees simply for the purpose of trying to understand the character of Christ, you will find (just as you watched in the video) that He is humble, kind, patient, loving, tender, inviting, and many more. 


(Adapted from Emily Belle Freeman, Don’t Miss This)

There are many characteristics of Christ found in Jacob chapter 5, today we will discuss 5 of them.

1.The first one can be found in a word that is repeated twenty times in this chapter, a word that is the main concern for the master of the vineyard. Can you guess what it is? He repeated the word preserve over and over again…
READ: Jacob 5: 20
What characteristic does this show?
That Christ is intent on saving.

2. The master worries over every single tree.
READ: Jacob 5:7
Did you notice how He doesn’t say “these trees,” He says “this tree”
What characteristic does this show?
That Christ is concerned about the one.

3. READ: Jacob 5:23
How long does He say that He nourished it?  
This LONG time. 
Throughout the allegory, He tells us over and over again how He has nourished His trees this long time.
What characteristic does this show?
That Christ doesn’t give up.

4. We also see what the master of the vineyard is willing to do to save the trees.
READ: Jacob 5:41 
This is a tender moment when He weeps and asks, “What could I have done more?” Then He reminds us of what He has done in this next verse…
READ: Jacob 5:49 (“I have done all”)
What characteristic does this show?
That Christ is willing to give all for His vineyard.   

5. At the end of the allegory, we see another word repeated. Read the following verses and see if you can tell which word that is.
READ: Jacob 5:60-63
This time the repeated word is again.
What characteristic does this show?
That Christ gives second chances, and third chances, and as many chances as it might take to save.


How would you describe the master of the vineyard?
What do we learn about how He feels when Heavenly Father’s children go astray?  
What can we do for loved ones who reject the gospel?
Is there one characteristic of Christ that you are most grateful for?
How can learning about Christ draw you closer to Him? 

(OPTIONAL) The more we learn about Christ and follow His example, the more we become like Him.
SONG: Like Him – 2020 Youth Album feat. Aaliyah Rose


CONFERENCE TALK:  To Help a Loved One in Need
CONFERENCE TALK: Christlike Attributes—the Wind beneath Our Wings
CONFERENCE TALK: Godly Characteristics of the Master



READ: Jacob 5: 70-74

The “other servants” (verse 70) who were called into the Lord’s vineyard include people like you—as members of the Church, we are all responsible to help God gather His children.

READ: Jacob 5: 75  *Invite family members to personalize verse 75 by adding their names into this verse. For example, replace “his servants” with their name and insert their name after “Blessed art thou [name].” 


WATCH VIDEO: Help the Church Grow (1:18)

As Elder Ballard said, the future growth of the church will not happen just by knocking on strangers’ doors, it will happen when members along with full-time missionaries work together in charitable service.

Just as cleaning a dirty kitchen is much easier when several people work together than it is for one person to clean the entire kitchen by themselves, the same is with sharing the gospel. We can’t leave the task up to one person or just the full-time missionaries to do. We have got to do our part. When we do, when we are all working together, it makes the task much easier.

Keep in mind, our part as member missionaries is different than that of full-time missionaries.

SHARE: 16 Painless Ways to be a Member Missionary, by clicking HERE

Decide which one of these ideas you could do this week- or perhaps it sparked another idea that you could do instead.

Gathering Israel involves missionary work on both sides of the veil. A great way to do missionary service for those beyond the veil is through temple work.


Besides picking one “Painless Way to be a Member Missionary” that you can do this week, make a second goal to also take a name to the temple. If you don’t live near a temple, plan a trip.

Take your own family names through the Family Tree app. (Instructions below)

  1. Open the Family Tree app on your phone (or go to
  2. Select “Temple.” If you don’t already have a name prepared for the temple, select “Ordinances Ready.”
  3. Choose the ordinance you’d like to perform, and the names of any ancestors who need that ordinance will appear.
  4. Create a bar code to print the names at the temple or print them at home.
  5. Set a date in the near future to go to the temple and do the ordinances.


Quote: “The Savior’s call is to you of the rising generation. He is asking for worthy, prepared, faithful young men and young women who will heed the prophet’s voice, who will step up and say, as the Savior Himself said, ‘Here am I, send me.’ The need has never been greater. The field has never been whiter. You are called to go ‘this last time.’ There is no greater work; there is no greater call than teaching ‘all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.’” Nielson, Brent H. “A Call to the Rising Generation,” General Conference October 2009.

How does it make you feel to know that the Lord needs you to help gather His people?  

What experiences have you had where you felt joy while serving the Lord of the vineyard, for example through sharing the gospel, serving in the temple, or strengthening Church members.


CONFERENCE TALK: The Gathering of Scattered Israel
CONFERENCE TALK: Put Your Trust in the Lord
GOSPEL TOPICS: Missionary Work
NEW ERA ARTICLE: 12 Facts about the Gathering of Israel




WATCH BOOK OF MORMON VIDEO: Sherem Denies Christ | Jacob 7 (7:23)


The Nephites’ experience with Sherem is often repeated today: there may be learned, well-spoken people who try to destroy your faith. But Jacob “could not be shaken.” (CFM manual)

READ: Jacob 7:5



(Taken from New Era, September 2018)

Nephi once shared a key to developing the kind of unshakeable faith he gained. In spite of weakness and trial, he said, “I know in whom I have trusted” (2 Nephi 4:19). We must know Jesus Christ and trust Him.


     1. How can you know Jesus Christ?

To know Jesus Christ means, among other things, to strive to learn of Him, follow His truths, listen to His prophets, keep His commandments, pray to the Father in His name, repent, make and keep covenants, and serve Him.

     2. How can you build trust in Jesus Christ? 

As we [get to know Jesus Christ], we receive the Holy Ghost’s witness, as well as other blessings and gifts through the Spirit and the grace of Jesus Christ. This leads us to trust Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father.


VIDEO OF CONFERENCE TALK: The Lord Leads His Church (17:22)
VIDEO OF CONFERENCE TALK: Quentin L. Cook (15:34) 
VIDEO OF CONFERENCE TALK: The Cost—and Blessings—of Discipleship by Jeffrey R. Holland (14:45) 
VIDEO: Book of Mormon Central – Why Did Sherem Die
VIDEO: Book of Mormon Central – What Do We Learn About Ministering From the Account of Sherem
ENSIGN ARTICLE: Sherem’s Skepticism: The Tactics of a Faith Shaker By Benjamin Hyrum White
ENSIGN ARTICLE: Defending the Faith



Study a recent General Conference talk. A great way to study a conference talk is to have your own conference issue of the Ensign and a highlighter. Listen to the talk and as you listen, highlight the part(s) that stands out to you. Then after the talk, review and/or share and discuss what you have highlighted.   

THIS WEEK’S TALK: Fruit By Elder Neil L. Andersen, click HERE

SUMMARY: During His earthly ministry, the Savior compared good fruit — long considered a treasured delicacy — to things of eternal worth. And in a dream recorded in the Book of Mormon, the prophet Lehi came upon a beautiful tree full of fruit more desirable above all other fruit. This fruit symbolizes the love of God and “the wondrous blessings of the Savior’s incomparable Atonement.” Partaking of this fruit also symbolizes embracing ordinances and covenants of the restored gospel, such as baptism and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost. “Through the grace of Jesus Christ and by honoring our covenants, we receive the immeasurable promise of living with our righteous family throughout eternity.” Even after savoring the fruit, staying faithful to Jesus Christ isn’t easily done. Each person will face distractions, deceptions, confusion and temptations. Lehi’s dream included the warning — a spacious building on the opposite side of a river full of people mocking followers of Jesus Christ. “Let us remember Lehi’s words: ‘We heeded them not’” (1 Nephi 8:33). Although there is no need to fear, everyone must be on guard. “Keep your eyes and your hearts centered on the Savior Jesus Christ and the eternal joy that comes only through Him.”

*For a list of discussion questions that go along with this talk, check out these from Chicken Scratch n Sniff by Clicking HERE



Do one of the days that you missed OR any of the additional resources listed.

Yours Truly,

Melanie's Library

P.S. For more Come, Follow Me resources, check out my post Your Ultimate Guide to Come, Follow Me. It lists over 100 Come, Follow Me resources that are available online starting with the church’s resources at the top. You can find it by clicking HERE

P.P.S. Sign up here for the Teach Me FHE email group and receive FHE outlines delivered right to your inbox every Sunday morning. 






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