Two beautiful quotes regarding the priesthood and Relief Society working together. Includes suggested working together activity. 


In June’s Come Follow Me for Youth, “How do women and priesthood holders work together to build the kingdom of God?” one of the talks suggested is by Elder Cook entitled “LDS Women Are Incredible!” In that talk he states the following:

lds women are incredible by quentin l cook, come follow me sunday school june, priesthood and priesthood keys

Below is a FREE PDF Download of this quote.

Another resource that is suggested for this lesson is “Blessings of the Priesthood for All: An Inseparable Connection with the Priesthood,” Daughters in My Kingdom: The History and Work of Relief Society (2011), 125–43d. In it, I found a wonderful quote by Dallin H. Oaks where he states:

Below is a FREE PDF Download of this quote.

Teaching Suggestion

As you are teaching this lesson and emphasizing how the priesthood and Relief Society work together to build the kingdom of God, you may consider doing an activity where the class members are asked to build something together. 

For example:


1.You can take the first quote above and make it into a puzzle. You give each class member a puzzle piece. After they have put the puzzle together, read the quote and talk about how just as it took each of them working together to make the puzzle complete, we cannot build the kingdom of God unless we all work together. If only the boys (or only the girls) did the puzzle with only their pieces, there would be pieces missing. Just as the kingdom of God would not be complete without both men and women in it and working together. For instructions on how to make a picture into a puzzle, click HERE

Legos or Building Blocks

2.You could also use legos or building blocks. Give each class members a certain number of legos or building blocks. The goal is to build the tallest tower possible. If there is a large number of class members, divide them into groups and see which group can build the tallest tower first without it falling. The rule is each person has to put on their own pieces, no one can do it for them. Then discuss how just like it took both boys and girls working together in order to build their tower, it takes both men and women working together to build the kingdom of God. It can’t be done one without the other. You could even go on to say how just like each of the legos (or blocks) are different in size and color, men and women are each unique and we need each other’s uniqueness in order to accomplish God’s work. 

Human Knot

3.You could also try a team building game such as the human knot. Everyone stands in a circle and put their right hand in and grab someone else’s right hand (not the person next to them). Then they put their left hand in and grab someone else’s left hand (but be sure it’s not the person they already have a hold of). Then everyone works together untying the knot without letting go of each other’s hands. If you have a large group, you can divide into two different circles and have a race OR you can just tell everyone they have only so many minutes to do it in. Then discuss how it took everyone, regardless if you were male or female, to solve the problem and work together. Just one person could not have untied the knot by themselves and relate that to the Lord needing everyone to work together to build the kingdom of God.

For a short story by Elder Cook from this same talk, “LDS Women Are Incredible!” Click HERE

For another short story by President Nelson from his talk, “A Plea to My Sisters” Click HERE

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