Marie Osmond shares on Facebook a personal story about Pres. Monson, a lesson on listening to the Spirit and doing all that is on the Lord’s List. 


Marie Osmond share story President Monson, service

Marie Osmond and President Monson


On January 7, 2018, shortly after the death of our dear beloved prophet President Thomas S. Monson, Marie Osmond shared on Facebook a personal experience that she had with him. Many stories have been shared since the passing of this great man, many stories of the exemplary life of unending service he gave to everyone around him and to everyone all over the world. Pres. Monson loved all, he loved with his whole heart. 



Life of service President MonsonMarie’s story is not much different when it comes to sharing a story from Pres. Monson’s life of service, but what I love most is the lesson she learned about the Lord’s List.  




Taken from Marie’s post:

One of my favorite stories [Pres. Monson] taught me was when he came down to Provo, Utah, and gave my dear mother a blessing when she suffered a massive stroke. He said he was just following the Lord’s List that day. President Monson taught me then the importance of always carrying a little notebook in my purse or pocket. He said, “When the Spirit speaks, write it down immediately.” At the end of the day, make sure you do God’s List first before you check off your own list of “To Do’s.”

President Monson and Marie Osmond

He explained that the Spirit never hounds or pounds at us, but rather, comes as a prompting, a brush or a feeling—that’s why we need to write these impressions down so as not to forget.

President Monson taught me that day that at times, not only do we learn how God wants us to serve one another but even some of the answers to our questions and daily prayers often come to us through silent promptings of the Spirit. He continued saying that the Spirit told him that my mother needed a blessing, and it was a comfort to our family when he followed his prompting and showed up at the hospital.

Have you ever had times in your life when you had a great idea or impression but didn’t take the time to write it down and you regretted it later? I know I have. May we each resolve to follow President Monson’s example and write down all of the impressions we receive. How precious yet fleeting those impressions can be. If we do our best to listen and write them down, I have no doubt that our testimonies would grow, and we just might be surprised at how often the Spirit really does whisper to our hearts and is there to guide us in our lives… if we will only listen.   

Heroic acts of service can be done in as little as 5 minutes. Often times they are acts of service we believe is nothing more than a simple act of kindness, but to the other person involved, it can mean the world to them. Read about the heroic act of service that was done in less than 5 minutes but was unforgettable and life-changing for the other people involved. Click HERE 

Yours Truly,   





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Marie Osmond shares personal story with president monson, God's to-do-list, following promptings from the Holy Ghost, spiritual impressions, short story, FHE, Sacrament Talk, Sunday Lesson, YW, Relief Society,
Marie Osmond shares personal story with president monson, God's to-do-list, following promptings from the Holy Ghost, spiritual impressions, short story, FHE, Sacrament Talk, Sunday Lesson, YW, Relief Society,
Marie Osmond shares personal story with president monson, God's to-do-list, following promptings from the Holy Ghost, spiritual impressions, short story, FHE, Sacrament Talk, Sunday Lesson, YW, Relief Society,