A lyrics music video to the song At the Same Time by Hilary Weeks. Includes a link where you can download the song, the sheet music, and more.    

at the same time, hilary weeks, lyrics music video, sheet music, free downloads, www.melanieslibrary.com


I have loved this song by Hilary Weeks since the first time I heard it. I can so relate to experiencing the feeling of heartache while yet at the same time feeling the peace that only the Savior can provide. His peace is always there, He is always there. Hilary Weeks did an amazing job putting these feelings into music.


I feel peace in the middle of my pain

I feel trust and hope even though my heart is aching

I can taste the bitter and sweet

Where the valley and the mountain meet

There is something so divine

When pain and grace collide

In the same place at the same time



At the Same Time, Written by Hilary Weeks 

To download the song, sheet music, and more – click HERE


For more beautiful songs, such as My Own Sacred Grove, click HERE.

Yours Truly,

Melanie's Library

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