A video clip of a talk given by Hank Smith where he talks about the difference between believing IN Jesus Christ and believing Him. He shares a story about a man who crosses Niagara Falls.  

www.melanieslibrary.com, Melanie's Library, Hope for Parents of Wayward Children, Hank Smith, Believing Him, Our Turtle House Fireside, Tightrope Walker over Niagara Falls, stunt man over Horseshoe Falls


Many of us believe in Jesus Christ, we know that He is real and that He came to earth to suffer and die for our sins. But how many of us really believe Him, or in other words, how many of us truly trust Him? When He says that He is mighty to save, do you believe that includes you? Do you believe that includes your child who has wandered off the straight and narrow path? 

Listen to Hank Smith teach a valuable lesson in not only believing in Jesus Christ but believing Him as well.  

This talk was taken from a virtual Turtle House Fireside and you can find this talk and more by clicking HERE.


Be sure and check out my post Promised Blessings. It is a collection of blessings promised by prophets and church leaders to parents of wayward children. Click HERE 

Yours Truly,

Melanie's Library

P.S. Need help with Come, Follow Me? Don’t miss out on my FREE Come, Follow Me daily study guide that is full of great insights and engaging resources. They are geared towards families with teenagers. Sign up to receive a free FHE outline delivered every Sunday morning. Each FHE coincides with the weekly Come, Follow Me Study Guide. 







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