This is a lesson that I gave as a special Relief Society lesson on the Restoration. It can also be used in Sunday School or for FHE. This lesson covers the Preparations Made Before the Restoration, The First Vision, and Preparing for the Second Coming of Christ. 

Melanie's Library,, Come Follow Me Daily Study Guide, Devotionals, Lesson helps, Book of Mormon for families, Come Follow Me for empty nesters, singles, Come Follow Me 2020 for Families, Come Follow Me for Teenagers, FHE, Family Home Evening, the restoration, Joseph Smith, The First Vision, Study of the Restoration, 3 parts to the restoration


*I had used a PowerPoint with quotes, pictures, and videos but unfortunately I wasn’t able to upload the PowerPoint to the blog – it just didn’t want to work for me 🙁 I did, however, manage to put everything but the videos in a PDF download. For each “SLIDE” listed below, it means there is an image in the PDF download that goes with it. Hopefully, they will be of use to you. I have also included the links to the 3 videos I used. 

*Scroll down to the bottom for the FREE PDF Download of the images and one for the lesson itself.



Opening song: A Lamb to the Slaughter by Nashville Tribute Band (5:36)
*You can find it by clicking HERE


In the spring of 1820, God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, appeared to the Prophet Joseph Smith. This vision, which marked the beginning of the Restoration of the gospel, is the most important event since the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Joseph Smith’s humble prayer led to the Restoration of gospel truths, priesthood authority, and saving ordinances.


This year makes 200 years since the First Vision. The most important event in history since the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. As you know, President Nelson announced at the last conference that April’s General Conference will be different and very unique. He also said that if we will prepare ourselves, it will not only be memorable, but it will also be unforgettable.


Today we are going to talk about Three Parts to the Restoration. They are…

  1. Preparations Made Before the Restoration
  2. The First Vision
  3. Preparing for the Second Coming of Christ



The Lord prepared the world for the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ long before the Father and the Son appeared to Joseph Smith in 1820. In fact, the Lord’s preparation to restore the fulness of His gospel in the last days began before the earth was created.


In D&C 138: 53 it says:
The Prophet Joseph Smith, and my father, Hyrum Smith, Brigham Young, John Taylor, Wilford Woodruff, and other choice spirits who were reserved to come forth in the fulness of times to take part in laying the foundations of the great latter-day work,

If we were to look back in history, we would see many discoveries, revolutions, and key people that helped prepare the world for the restoration of the Lord’s Church.

Some of these would include…

(Show each of the following slides. Before you go to the next slide that says what the picture is, see if anyone can guess what the picture is. If you are not using the slides/download, you can use this Ensign article to discuss the different events in history that helped prepare the world. Click HERE)


*After each slide that tells what the picture is, ask the question:

1450 Johann Gutenberg and Invention of the Printing Press. By 1455, he prints full copies of the Latin Vulgate Bible.

1492 Christopher Columbus lands in the New World.

1526–37 William Tyndale publishes the New Testament in English, having translated it from early Greek sources. While translating the Old Testament from Hebrew, he is captured and executed. Myles Coverdale and John Rogers later carry on his work and publish complete English translations of the Bible.

1642 Colonists in Massachusetts enact a General School Law providing public education for all children.

1776 American Declaration of independence articulates key principles of individual freedom.
1788 The United States ratifies its Constitution.
1791 The United States ratifies the Bill of Rights, further articulating key rights, especially the free exercise of religion

1804 The Steam Locomotive. The first steam-powered railway journey is taken with Richard Trevithick’s locomotive. Steam power is one of the most important and key aspects of the Industrial Revolution.

How neat it is to live in a time where we are able to look back and see the Lord’s hand in preparing the world for the restoration. What’s also neat is the fact that the Lord also has a hand in each of our individual lives. If we were to step back and look at our lives, look at all the wonderful tender mercies we have received, we would be able to see the Lord’s hand.




*Have the pretty picture of The First Vision up as everyone sings Joseph Smith’s First Prayer pg 26
Sing all the verses for it tells the story of The First Vision.


David Butler, from Don’t Miss This with Emily Belle Freeman, currently has a video series on YouTube where he teaches about the Restoration. In his first video, he tells a cute story about him and his son as they walk in the snow to Stake Conference.

*You can find his video by clicking HERE. The story of him and his son starts at the 6:45 minute mark. Play the video to the 11:24 minute mark


How wonderful it is that we live in a time when the gospel has been restored and we know that there is God and that He loves us and that He answers our prayers.

In 2017, President Nelson asked 3 questions. I’d like to ask those same 3 questions to you today.


First, what would your life be like without the Book of Mormon? Second, what would you not know? And third, what would you not have? -Pres. Nelson


PART 3: Preparing for the Second Coming of Christ


In the Priesthood Session of General Conference in 2014, President Uchtdorf gave a talk entitled, “Are You Sleeping through the Restoration?”

He started off by telling the story of “Rip Van Winkle.” The unambitious man who was very good at avoiding two things: work and his wife.

One day, while wandering in the mountains with his dog, he discovered a group of strangely dressed men drinking and playing games. After accepting some of their liquor, Rip becomes drowsy and falls asleep. When he wakes up, he is surprised to find that his dog is gone, his rifle has rusted, and he now has a long beard.

Rip makes his way back to his village only to discover that everything has changed. His wife has died, his friends are gone, and the portrait of King George III has been replaced by a portrait of someone he does not recognize—by General George Washington.

Rip Van Winkle had been sleeping for 20 years! And in the process, he had missed one of the most exciting periods in the history of his country—he had slept through the American Revolution.

President Uchtdorf, using the same theme, proposed a question to the brethren and asked, “Are you sleeping through the Restoration?”

And then he said…


“Sometimes we think of the Restoration of the gospel as something that is complete, already behind us—Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon, he received priesthood keys, the Church was organized. In reality, the Restoration is an ongoing process; we are living in it right now. It includes “all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal,” and the “many great and important things” that “He will yet reveal.”…The exciting developments of today are part of that long-foretold period of preparation that will culminate in the glorious Second Coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ.” (Pres. Uchtdorf)

Now let me ask you the same question, “Are you sleeping through the restoration?”
Are you letting it pass you by or are you awake and actively preparing for the Savior’s return?

As you know, preparing for the Savior’s return involves the Gathering of Israel which according to President Nelson is the single greatest thing going on today.

What is the Gathering of Israel? A simple way to put it would be:

Israel is all those who have been baptized and have made covenants with God. And so the Gathering of Israel basically comes down to two things: 1, it involves KEEPING the covenants we have made to God and 2, HELPING others on both sides of the veil to make and keep covenants with God.


President Nelson did a great job summarizing it when he said:
“Anytime you do anything that helps anyone – on either side of the veil – take a step toward making covenants with God and receiving their essential baptismal and temple ordinances, you are helping to gather Israel.”


In March 2020 Ensign, there’s an article entitled  “Don’t Give Up on Me” By Elder Larry S. Kacher.
There’s a story that he tells that goes like this:

I am the only member of the Church in my parents’ family. I was baptized at age 19. As a convert, I have felt the call to gather Israel, particularly within my own family. After my baptism, I looked for opportunities to share my testimony with them. While serving a full-time mission in French Polynesia, I wrote home and shared missionary experiences, hoping the Spirit would touch their hearts. Over the years, family members have come to witness the blessings and baptisms of our children, or to hear talks or attend special meetings. Yet, after 47 years, none of them showed interest in learning about or understanding the restored gospel.

Finally, when my mother was 90 years old, she agreed to let the sister missionaries teach her. She was in Minnesota and I was in Utah. I waited prayerfully for the appointed time, hoping her heart would be softened. I expected her to call after the lesson, but I heard nothing. Finally I called her. “They were very nice,” she said. “But I did all the talking, and I don’t want them to come back.”

My heart sank. I had waited a long time. My patriarchal blessing said that, because of my testimony, members of my family and friends would join the Church. A few days later, as I was arriving at a stake meeting, my cell phone rang. I saw that it was my mother, but I couldn’t take the call. Later I listened to her voice message. She simply said, “Don’t give up on me.”

I have never forgotten her words. They are a powerful reminder to me. Heavenly Father does not give up on us. He gives us countless opportunities to hear His word and abide by His admonitions. He loves us. He cares for us. His arms are always outstretched (see Alma 5:33). If He will never give up on us, is it right for any of us to give up on those we love or those with whom we associate?

…Recently, I had the opportunity to preside at a stake conference. During one session, I shared the story of my 90-year-old mother who did not join the Church but who had counseled me not to give up on her. Unknown to me, there was in the congregation a 90-year-old grandmother who had come to hear her grandson (a high councilor) and his wife speak. Seated next to this sweet grandmother was her daughter, the high councilor’s mother. This mother had been baptized 40 years previously but, like me, had no one in her family follow her into the gospel.

Something happened during that meeting. The 90-year-old grandmother’s heart was softened by the Spirit. She turned to her daughter and said, “Don’t give up on me.” The next day, surrounded by family, this 90-year-old announced that she wanted to be baptized. Forty years of unbelief melted away. A few weeks later Norma Pitt was baptized by her grandson. Now this wonderful family is anxiously awaiting Norma’s one-year anniversary so they can be sealed in the house of the Lord.

…As we…go forward with a quiet assurance that the Lord will never give up on us, we too must never give up on those we love, acting as instruments in the Lord’s hands to gather Israel.


It is sometimes a tad bit overwhelming if you think about ALL the many, many people who have not yet heard the gospel of Jesus Christ. But I think we need to remember and keep in mind that this is the Lord’s vineyard. He is in charge. He has given each of us a small area to assist in His work – our family, our friends, our sphere of influence. And sometimes the first person we need to help gather is ourselves.

{Bear testimony of when you received a testimony of Joseph Smith and the First Vision.}

Even if you have been a member all of your life, at some point and time in your life, you still need to gain your own testimony of Joseph Smith and the First Vision. How wonderful it is that just as Joseph Smith prayed to know which church to join, we can pray to know if the church is true.


Elder Bednar once said:
“Joseph’s experience provides a powerful pattern of learning that each of us should emulate. We too need to learn for ourselves.”



Closing Song: My Own Sacred Grove
*You can find it by clicking HERE


Yours Truly,

Melanie's Library


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