Fight Song Missionary Mashup is a beautiful arrangement of missionary songs sung by One Voice Children’s Choir. This video shows Missionaries and their purpose to teach the Gospel and invite all to come unto Christ. It shares a message of service to others, and fighting for what you believe in.

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With President Nelson’s challenge to enlist in the youth battalion still fresh in our minds, this is the perfect missionary song to continue to fan the flame within each of us to share the gospel, serve others, and fight for what we know to be right. Let us continue to be a light unto the world.

Be sure and check out the beautiful artwork of two future missionaries on a bike at the end. It is beautiful! Micah Harmon, one of the soloist in the video, wrote this dedication regarding the artwork:

The artwork at the end of the video, is a painting done by Jason Harmon, my brother. The Painting, titled “I Hope They Call Me On a Mission,” features two young boys on a tricycle scriptures in hand, longing to be missionaries. A few years ago, Jason was killed in a car accident, and left behind a wife, 3 kids, and one on the way. Numerous stories and tender mercies surrounding his death, have made it clear to family and friends, that he is now serving a mission as an ambassador for Jesus Christ, on the other side.

To learn how to do missionary work NOT out of your comfort zone, click HERE.

Yours Truly,

Melanie's Library




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