Gratitude quote from the book The Happiness Dare by Jennifer Dukes Lee. 

gratitude quote, gratitude is acknowledging the good, inspiring quotes, FHE, Sacrament Talks, YW, Relief Society or Sunday School Lessons,

Thanksgiving is in the air! I have so much to be grateful for. I love Thanksgiving and everything associated with it! The fall colors, family time, not to mention it’s the time my husband and I celebrate our anniversary AND the day after we get to pull out the Christmas decorations – Yea!

One of my favorite authors/bloggers is Jennifer Dukes Lee. Today’s quote comes from her book “The Happiness Dare.”



Gratitude is acknowledging the goodness in our lives

as life exists today, not as we wish it to be. 

                                                  -Jennifer Dukes Lee


This past year I have started a gratitude journal. I use one of those composition books that you buy for your kids at the beginning of every school year. Every day I fill one page, sometimes 2 or 3. It has been life changing. I’m able to see the good in each day a little more – see God’s gentle touch in my day-to-day. The rule I give myself is that if I start a page, I have to finish it. If I get stuck, I pray for recollection to remember what good happened that day or what perhaps I have taken for granted. It does not take long for spiritual promptings or thoughts to come to my mind. It has been a neat experience. I have seen first hand the power that comes from acknowledging the good in my life and from having gratitude in my heart.   



For another great quote on gratitude, check out What If by clicking HERE

Yours Truly,




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Jennifer Dukes Lee, The Happiness Dare, Gratitude quote,