General Conference Jeopardy is a game shared by Elder Neil L. Andersen. It is a fun way to review General Conference as a family. This game covers talks given in the October 2018 conference. You will need PowerPoint on your computer in order to play. Link to April 2019 conference Jeopardy is also included.

Elder Neil L. Andersen General Conference Jeopardy, General Conference Review, FHE, conference game, Sunday Lesson Helps, Primary, Young Women's, Relief Society, Elders Quorum, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,


*For April 2019 Jeopardy, check out Cranial Hiccups by click HERE

Taken from a Facebook post by Elder Neil L. Andersen, he says:

I know many of us are pondering the best ways to better teach the gospel at home. There are numerous resources now available, and as we pray for the guidance of the Lord, we will find many new ways that will lift and strengthen our families. In my daughter’s family, she creates a general conference review game every six months. I have shared it once before. I thought you might find it useful for your families as well.

Here is the link:

Elder Neil L. Andersen General Conference Jeopardy, General Conference Review, FHE, conference game, Sunday Lesson Helps, Primary, Young Women's, Relief Society, Elders Quorum, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,

I encourage you to make studying the words of prophets and apostles an active part of your family life. When a person ties himself or herself tightly to the direction given by the Lord’s servants, he or she will find a powerful spiritual strength.

Elder Neil L. Andersen General Conference Jeopardy, General Conference Review, FHE, conference game, Sunday Lesson Helps, Primary, Young Women's, Relief Society, Elders Quorum, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,


First, download the file to your own computer:

(it won’t work correctly if you view it online)

Once it is downloaded and saved onto your computer, open it up in PowerPoint.

To play the game:

1. Click on “Slide Show” (or the triangle play button). This will take you to the home page.

2. Divide into teams.

3. The first team chooses a session and point amount. Click on the chosen question and allow a set time (15 seconds–1 minute) to answer.

4. If the team answers correctly, they get the points. If not, the other team gets a chance to answer the question.

5. Click on the slide again for the answer (on a few of the questions you will need to click more than once for multiple answers or pictures that go with names).

6. Click on the “Home” button (at the bottom right corner of the question) to return to the main page (the question will darken so you know it has already been chosen).

7. The other team now gets the chance to choose and answer a question.

8. When all the questions are answered (or you’ve run out of time), have each team decide how many points they want to use for the final question. Write it down on a paper.

9. Click on “FINAL QUESTION” at the bottom of the main page. Have the teams write their answers on a piece of paper and then reveal their answer. Award points if they were correct and take points away if they were incorrect.

10. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins (although really everyone is a winner for reviewing what they learned at general conference)!

Throughout the game, and especially at the end, bear your testimony, encourage participants to talk about what was meaningful to them, and discuss what specific things you will do to follow the counsel that was given at general conference.


Thanks to Elder Andersen for sharing this fun game! I hope everyone gets a chance to play 🙂

For more follow-up, after conference ideas, be sure and check out Your Ultimate Guide for a Successful General Conference by clicking HERE

OR to learn why we should teach our children to know the prophets by clicking HERE

Yours Truly,

Melanie's Library




P.S. Be sure and sign up for my monthly Finding JOY Newsletter and receive amazing gospel-related content delivered right to your inbox! Helping you be the most effective teacher you can be at home and in your calling.

FHE lessons for little kids, easy ready to use, FHE is for Me Sunbeam Edition,



Need some fun, simple FHE ideas for little kids? Check out FHE is for Me! Sunbeam Edition 🙂




Elder Neil L. Andersen General Conference Jeopardy, General Conference Review, FHE, conference game, Sunday Lesson Helps, Primary, Young Women's, Relief Society, Elders Quorum, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,
Elder Neil L. Andersen General Conference Jeopardy, General Conference Review, FHE, conference game, Sunday Lesson Helps, Primary, Young Women's, Relief Society, Elders Quorum, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,