Three sure ways to reach your goal.  If you do all three, your chances of reaching your goal are phenomenal! Includes 2 object lessons and 1 Free Download. Great for FHE!

Teach Me to Walk in the Light Podcast, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Devotionals, FHE, Family Home Evening, Gospel Teaching, Teaching the Savior's Way, Teaching No Greater Call, Come Follow Me, Gospel Doctrine Lesson Helps, Primary, YW, Young Womens, Relief Society, Sacrament Talks, Inspirational, Motivational,, how to achieve goals, proven ways to reach your goals, new years goals


FIRST TIP – Set Only One Goal

Hold in your hand five or six small balls (or other small objects). Pick someone to come up and tell them their goal is to catch all of the balls. Then throw the balls to them all at once. They will probably be unable to catch any of them- maybe 1 if they’re lucky.

Then throw the balls again to the same person but this time one at a time so they can catch each one.

Ask, “What can we learn from this object lesson about setting goals?”

If no one names this one, be sure and point it out, that it’s important we don’t set a lot of goals at once. We have a better chance of achieving our goals if we set one at a time and focus on it, instead of a lot of goals all at once.


SECOND TIP – Set Smaller, Attainable Goals

Show a ladder, step stool or a picture of one. Talk about how in order to get to the top of the ladder, you first have to climb the ladder one step at a time.

This is just like goals. It’s important that we make smaller, attainable goals.

It’s great to dream big but imagine that the top of the ladder is your big goal or dream. The only way you’ll be able to reach your goal is by going up one step at a time. All of the steps up to the top represent all of the smaller goals you need to first achieve before you can make it to the top.

THIRD TIP – Write It Down and Read it Daily

Write down your goal and read it every day and work on it every day.

Print this DOWNLOAD (Front and Back Side)



Write your goal at the top. 

Break your goal up into 12 smaller goals, one for each month. (For example, you may put how far you want to be on your goal by the end of each month or what you plan to do that month to get you one step closer to your goal) Put this in your planner or on your bathroom mirror and look at it daily.

At the beginning of each month, take your goal for the month and break it up into 4 smaller goals, one for each week. Then at the beginning of each week, plan out how and what you will do in order to reach your goal for that week. 

*If teaching younger children, help them break up their goal into 12 smaller goals and then you may consider planning the first FHE of each month to look over their goals and help them break it up into 4 weeks.  


Good Luck!! Reach for the stars! You sooo got this! 🙂

Yours Truly,

Melanie's Library

P.S. This post was included in my Teach Me to Walk in the Light Podcast, Episode 3: 3 Tips to Achieving Your Goals. Listen to it by clicking HERE.

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