Come, Follow Me Daily Study Guide for the week of February 22-28, 2021 covering Doctrine and Covenants 18-19. For personal and/or family study of the scriptures, geared towards families with teenagers.  

Melanie's Library,, Free Come Follow Me Daily Study Guide, Devotionals, Lesson helps, Doctrine and Covenants for families, Come Follow Me for empty nesters, singles, Come Follow Me 2021 for Families, Come Follow Me for Teenagers, FHE, Family Home Evening, doctrine and covenants, family scripture study, personal scripture study, D&C 18-19, joy in repentance, Martin Harris mortgages his farm, sacrifice, Jesus Christ suffered so I can repent, Peace comes from learning of Jesus Christ and following Him

**This is a suggested outline that coincides with the Come, Follow Me manual. There is not just one right way when it comes to studying the scriptures. Everyone should study in a way that is best for them, but I do hope that you find these outlines helpful.

**SCRIPTURE JOURNALS – I highly suggest getting a scripture journal for each person. Many times my outlines will suggest writing something down in your scripture journal. These are also great for writing down any impressions or “Aha” moments that you might have as you study the scriptures. Composition books found at the Dollar Store work great!   

**A free PDF DOWNLOAD of the Study Guide is available at the bottom of this post, making it easy for those who’d like to print out a copy. OR you can add Melanie’s Library to your mobile device home screen by following these instructions, click HERE

**SONGS – For a list of suggested songs for each day of the week, be sure and check out the blog called Music for Latter-day Life by clicking HERE

**OPENING SONG SUGGESTION FOR NON-SINGERS – We are not big singers in our family but I know how powerful music can be when it comes to inviting the Spirit. Instead of singing, we have begun listening to the song suggested on Music for Latter-day Life and as we listen we each write in our scripture journals how we have seen the hand of the Lord in our lives or something we are grateful for. It has been a wonderful way to get everyone in the right mindset and to invite the Spirit for our family scripture study.    



Start the week off right with a Family Home Evening that is focused around the upcoming week’s Come, Follow Me. Sign up for the Teach Me FHE email group and receive an FHE outline delivered right to your inbox every Sunday morning. Sign up at the bottom of this post. 



**PREPARE AHEAD OF TIME: Ask family members to be prepared to share their favorite primary song or hymn about the Savior and why they like it. If you want, you can also ask them to find a lyrics video on YouTube or any music video of the song to share. *If you have a large family or large group, you may ask just a few people to find a video to share but everyone be prepared to tell their favorite song and why.



Image used for educational purposes

The New Testament describes the Savior’s suffering in Gethsemane from the perspective of those who observed it. In D&C 19 Jesus Christ told about His suffering in His own words. As you read this sacred, personal account, look for words and phrases that describe the Savior’s suffering. (CFM manual)

Write down these words and phrases in your scripture journals. 

READ: D&C 19:15-20

  • Share with each other the list of words and phrases that you came up with.
  • What does each word or phrase teach you?
  • Why was the Savior willing to suffer? 


ACTIVITY: Have each member of the family take turns telling what their favorite primary song or hymn about the Savior is and why they like it. Then either sing the song or watch/listen to it. (If you asked them to find a video on You Tube, now is the time to share it.) *If you have a large family or large group, you may ask everyone to tell which song they like and why but then only pick a few songs to sing or watch/listen to.

OPTIONAL: Here are two song suggestions you could use.
VIDEO: I Stand All Amazed | BYU Vocal Point, click HERE
VIDEO: I Know That My Redeemer Lives, click HERE


SCRIPTURE JOURNALS: Have everyone take a moment and write in their scripture journals what the Savior’s sacrifice means to them.


CONFERENCE TALK: The Atonement of Jesus Christ By Tad R. Callister
CONFERENCE TALK: None Were with Him by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
LIAHONA: Jesus Christ Atoned for Our Sins





SHARE: Share the following introduction from the Come, Follow Me Manual.

Martin and Lucy Harris had one of the finest farms in Palmyra, New York. It had taken them years to acquire, had enabled them to raise a family, and had given them good standing in the community. But in 1829 it became clear that the Book of Mormon could be published only if Martin mortgaged his farm to pay the printer. Martin had a testimony of the Book of Mormon, but Lucy did not. If Martin went forward with the mortgage and the Book of Mormon did not sell well, he would lose his farm and jeopardize his marriage.

At some time or another, we all face questions similar to those that Martin may have been facing: What is the gospel of Jesus Christ worth to me? What am I willing to sacrifice to help build God’s kingdom? It may help us to remember that no one has ever paid a higher price to bless God’s children than Jesus Christ, “the greatest of all” (Doctrine and Covenants 19:18).

Martin made the decision to mortgage his farm. His sacrifice paid for the printing of the first 5,000 copies of the Book of Mormon. And now, more than 190 million copies later, millions of souls around the world have been blessed.


VIDEO: President Nelson Discusses Value of Two Artifacts of the Restoration (4:04), click HERE

Go around and have everyone say something that they found interesting or stood out to them.

The Book of Mormon did not sell very well in Palmyra, and as a result, Martin Harris ended up having to sell a large portion of his farm to pay the debt (see “The Contributions of Martin Harris,” Revelations in Context, 7–8).

Think about that sacrifice that Martin Harris made and the blessings you’ve received because of it.

READ: D&C 19:34-41 and discuss what the Lord told Martin Harris to do next


VIDEO: The Blessings of Sacrifice by M. Russell Ballard (3:44), click HERE

Elder Ballard said, “Our commitment to the kingdom should match that of our faithful ancestors even though our sacrifices are different.” 

  • What were some examples that Elder Ballard gave of the sacrifices we are called to bear today compared to that of the pioneers?
  • What has the Lord asked you to sacrifice?
  • Do you make sacrifices with “rejoicing” and “gladness”? (D&C 19:39)
  • How does it make you feel to know that no one has ever paid a higher price to bless God’s children than Jesus Christ?
  • Does remembering this help you when you’ve been asked to sacrifice? Why or why not?

Elder Ballard later in his talk said that “some of the Lord’s choicest blessings” await those who practice the eternal principle of sacrifice. What blessings have you received or feel you will receive by practicing the principle of sacrifice? 


CONFERENCE TALK: Sacrifice Brings Forth the Blessings of Heaven
CONFERENCE TALK: Sacrifice Is a Joy and a Blessing
NEW ERA ARTICLE: Sacrifice Brings Forth the Blessings of Heaven by Elder Franklin D. Richards





(Taken from Scripture Study for Latter-day Saint Families)


Does anyone know what these are? 

These characters are Alpha and Omega. They are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. 

READ: D&C 19:1-4

According to these verses, why is “Alpha and Omega” a good description of the Savior?


What is hell?

One of the most unique doctrines of the Church is our more expansive understanding of hell. In fact, when we talk about hell, we could be talking about at least two different things. One hell has not only an entrance but also an exit. (Scott Sorensen)

READ: D&C 19:5-12

What do we learn about hell in these verses?

READ: Go to Hell in the Guide to the Scriptures and read the first two paragraphs along with the sentence, “The scriptures sometimes refer to hell as outer darkness.”


  • Go around and ask each person to share one thing they learned.
  • Why is important to have an understanding of the true doctrine about hell?
  • How does understanding hell bring us hope?
  • What are some words you could use that would mean the opposite of torment? (be sure someone says “peace”) 

Write the word REPENTANCE on a large piece of paper. Show it to your family and ask: Did you realize that you can find the word PEACE in the word REPENTANCE?

READ: D&C 19:23 and name 3 actions we must take in order to obtain peace.


the real meaning of peace, elder m. russell ballard


No matter how hard life gets, no matter how much turmoil is going on around us, we can always find peace in Christ. 
MUSIC VIDEO: Peace in Christ (4:10), click HERE


CONFERENCE TALK: Personal Peace: The Reward of Righteousness By Elder Quentin L. Cook




Study a recent General Conference talk. A great way to study a conference talk is to read along and highlight the parts that stand out to you. Then after the talk, review and discuss what you have highlighted.    

THIS WEEK’S TALK: The Exquisite Gift of the Son By Elder Matthew S. Holland, click HERE




Do one of the days that you missed OR any of the additional resources listed.

Yours Truly,

Melanie's Library

P.S. For more Come, Follow Me resources, check out my post Your Ultimate Guide to Come, Follow Me. It lists over 100 Come, Follow Me resources that are available online starting with the church’s resources at the top. You can find it by clicking HERE

P.P.S. Sign up here for the Teach Me FHE email group and receive FHE outlines delivered right to your inbox every Sunday morning. 







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Melanie's Library,, Come Follow Me Daily Study Guide, Devotionals, Lesson helps, Book of Mormon for families, Come Follow Me for empty nesters, singles, Come Follow Me 2020 for Families, Come Follow Me for Teenagers, FHE, Family Home Evening, book of mormon, family scripture study, personal scripture study, Mosiah 7-10, Limhi, King Mosiah, Trust in the Lord, Stories that inspire trust in God, finding strength in the Lord, prophets, seers, and revelators, my choices influence generations